Equip your student with the Algebra 1: Legacy Edition materials they need to take their learning to the next level. The Algebra 1: Legacy Edition Student Workbook and Tests features just the student resources, including the Student Workbook and Tests booklet.
In this level, you and your student will confidently explore general Algebra 1 concepts including basic properties, coin problems, and exponents while achieving a solid grasp of graphing lines and operations with polynomials.
Algebra 1: Legacy Edition follows the traditional lesson structure used in other levels of Math-U-See. Students view one video per lesson and decide whether to take notes. This Algebra 1 program provides basic coverage of Algebra 1 topics, while our more in-depth course, Algebra 1: Principles of Secondary Mathematics, covers nationally expected topics for Algebra 1. For more information about the differences between the two programs, click here.
The Algebra 1: Legacy Edition Student Workbook and Tests is ideal for learning environments where the instructor already owns the Integer Block Kit, Algebra/Decimal Insert Kit, Instruction Manual, and lesson videos, and the student needs only the consumable materials.